Round 1

Adaptation of Forests and Agroforests to Climate Change : A new large-scale, long-term, global international initiative

P. Rozenberg - BIOFORA, INRAE Orléans, France

The INRAE International Priority Program “Adaptation of Forests and Agroforests to Climate Change” is a new large-scale, long-term, global international initiative. In response to the increasingly worrying, even catastrophic, state of the world's forests and the uncertainty that accompanies their future, INRAE and a group of international experts have just launched a new large-scale, global initiative to collaborate on the development of future science-based adaptation solutions. Current and future tree species ranges, geographical distribution of climate, disturbances as well as patterns and processes of biological invasions do not follow country borders and make internationalization of research a mandatory step. International collaboration gives access to study contexts, models and resources not necessarily available locally while increasing the power and the significance of experimentation and of research outcomes. Several actions are currently being carried out or are in preparation, with the aim of establishing this initiative on a large scale and of developing it in the form of several complementary international research projects.

See also