The Forestia publications and scientific articles, published by the Forestia participants. List updated in August 2020.

  • Buttò, V., Rozenberg, P., Deslauriers, A., Rossi, S., and Morin, H. Environmental and developmental factors driving xylem anatomy and micro-density in black spruce. New Phytologist n/a.
  • Rozenberg, Philippe, Luc Pâques, Frédéric Huard, and Alain Roques. 2020. Direct and Indirect Analysis of the Elevational Shift of Larch Budmoth Outbreaks’. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change.
  • Rozenberg P., Chauvin T., Escobar-Sandoval M., Huard F., Shishov V., Charpentier JP., Sergent AS., Vargas-Hernandez J., Martinez-Meier A., Pâques L., 2020. Climate warming differently affects Larix decidua ring formation at each end of a French Alps elevational gradient. Annals of Forest Science 77:54
  • Diez J., De Paz M., Varela S., Dalla-Salda G., Sergent AS., Martinez-Meier A., 2020. Receta práctica paso a paso para la construcción de dendrómetros de punto de bajo costo. Comunicación breve. Ecología Austral 30:220-227 Agosto 2020
  • Sergent AS., Varela S., Barigah T., Babel E., Cochard H., Dalla-Salda G., Delzon S., Fernández ME., Gillermtf J., Gyenge J., Lamargued L., Martinez-Meier A., Rozenberg P., Torres-Ruiz JM., Martin-StPaul NK. A comparison of five methods to assess embolism resistance in trees A comparison of five methods to assess embolism resistance in trees. Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 468,
  • Sergent AS., Segura V., Charpentier JP., Dalla-Salda G., Fernández ME., Rozenberg P., Martinez-Meier A., 2020. Assessment of resistance to xylem cavitation in cordilleran cypress using near-infrared spectroscopy. Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 462,
  • Caballé G., Santaclara O, Diez JP., Letourneau F., Merlo E., Martinez-Meier A., 2020. Where to find structural grade timber: A case study in ponderosa pine based on stand and tree level factors. Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 459,
  • Fernández ME., Barotto AJ., Martínez-Meier A., Gyenge JE., Tesón N., Quiñones-Martorello A., Merlo E., Dalla-Salda G., Rozenberg P., Monteoliva S., 2019. New insights into wood anatomy and function relationships: How Eucalyptus challenges what we already know. Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 454,
  • Chauvin T., Cochard H., Segura V., Rozenberg P., 2019. Native-source climate determines the Douglas-fir potential of adaptation to drought. Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 444, 9-20, ISSN 0378-1127. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2019.03.054
  • Rosner S., Heinze B., Savi T., Dalla-Salda G., 2019. Prediction of Hydraulic Conductivity Loss from Relative Water Loss: New Insights into Water Storage of Tree Stems and Branches. Physiologia Plantarum 165: 843–854.
  • Alarcón P., Fernández ME., Pathauer P., Harrand L., Oberschelp J., Monteoliva S., Martinez-Meier A., 2018. Comparación de metodologías para la estimación de la densidad de la madera y sus implicancias en la estimación de parámetros genéticos en tres especies del género Eucalyptus. Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía, La Plata Vol 117 (2): 175-183
  • Barotto A., Monteoliva S., Gyenge J., Martinez-Meier A., Fernandez ME., 2017. Functional relationships between wood structure and vulnerability to xylem cavitation in races of Eucalyptus globulus differing in wood density. Tree Physiology, 2017, Page(s) 243–251, ISSN 1758-4469. DOI: 10.1093/treephys/tpx138
  • Martinez-Meier A., Fernández ME., Dalla-Salda G., Gyenge J., Licata J., Rozenberg P., 2015. Ecophysiological basis of wood formation in ponderosa pine: Linking water flux patterns with wood microdensity variables. Forest Ecology and Management, Issue 346, 2015, Page(s) 31-40, ISSN 0378-1127. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2015.02.021
  • Rossi JP, Nardin M., Godefroid M., Ruiz-Diaz M., Sergent AS., Martinez-Meier A., Pâques L., Rozenberg P. 2014. Dissecting the Space-Time Structure of Tree-Ring Datasets Using the Partial Triadic Analysis. PLoS ONE 9 (9): e108332.
  • Dalla-Salda G., M-E Fernández, A-S. Sergent, P. Rozenberg, E. Badel, A. Martinez-Meier. 2014. Dynamics of cavitation in a Douglas-fir tree-ring: transition-wood, the Lord of the Ring?’ Journal of Plant Hydraulics 1 (0): 005. doi:10.20870/jph.2014.e005.
  • Ruiz Diaz Britez M., A-S. Sergent, A. Martinez Meier, N. Bréda, P. Rozenberg. 2014. Wood density proxies of adaptive traits linked with resistance to drought in douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco). Trees, 1 16. 2014. doi:10.1007/s00468-014-1003-4.
  • Rozenberg P., A-S. Sergent, G. Dalla-Salda, A. Martinez-Meier, S. Marin, M. Ruiz-Diaz, J-C. Bastien, L. Sanchez, N. Breda, 2012. Analyse rétrospective de l’adaptation à la sécheresse chez le douglas. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen, vol. 163, no 3.
  • Gauchat M.E., L.E. Pâques. 2011. Indirect prediction of bud flushing from ex situ observation in hybrid Larch (Larix decidua x L. kaempferi) and their parents. Environmental and Experimental Botany 70 (2–3): 121 130. doi:10.1016/j.envexpbot.2010.08.001.
  • Martinez-Meier A., L. Gallo, M. Pastorino, V. Mondino, P. Rozenberg, 2011. Phenotypic variation of basic wood density in Pinus ponderosa plus trees. Bosque (Valdivia), vol. 32, no 3, p. 221 226.
  • Dalla-Salda G., A. Martinez-Meier, H. Cochard, P. Rozenberg, 2011. Genetic variation of xylem hydraulic properties shows that wood density is involved in adaptation to drought in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.)). Annals of Forest Science, vol. 68, p. 747 757.
  • Martinez-Meier A., L. Sanchez, G. Dalla-Salda, L. Gallo, M. Pastorino, P. Rozenberg, 2009. Ring density record of phenotypic plasticity and adaptation to drought in Douglas-fir. Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 258, no 5, p. 860–867.
  • Dalla-Salda G., A. Martinez-Meier, H. Cochard, P. Rozenberg, 2009. Variation of wood density and hydraulic properties of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) clones related to a heat and drought wave in France. Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 257, no 1, p. 182–189.
  • Bessega, B. O. Saidman, M. R. Darquier, M. Ewens, L. Sanchez, P. Rozenberg, J-C. Vilardi, 2009. Consistency Between Marker- And Genealogy-Based Heritability Estimates In An Experimental Stand Of Prosopis alba (Leguminosae). American Journal Of Botany, vol. 96, no 2, p. 458–465.
  • Martinez-Meier A., L. Sanchez, G. Dalla-Salda, M. Pastorino, J-Y. Gautry, L. Gallo, P. Rozenberg, 2008. Genetic control of the tree-ring response of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) to the 2003 drought and heat-wave in France - art. no. 102 », Annals of Forest Science, vol. 65, no 1, p. 102–102.
  • Martinez-Meier A., L. Sanchez, M. Pastorino, L. Gallo, P. Rozenberg, 2008. What is hot in tree rings? The wood density of surviving Douglas-firs to the 2003 drought and heat wave. Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 256, no 4, p. 837–843.